Adopt a Parking Lot Island

Adopt and provide the care for one of the parking lot islands or one of the many garden areas located on the Church and school…

Bereavement Ministry

Bereavement Ministry provides companionship and support to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Members of this ministry plan the funeral liturgy…

Bus Driver for Sunday Mass

Good stewards are needed to drive parishioners to and from Mass in Blessed Trinity’s church bus or van. A CDL(p) is required to operate the…

Council of Catholic Women (CCW)

All adult Catholic women are welcome to join. We meet once a month from September through May and meetings take place from 6-8 pm in…

Covenant Mission Team

Spreading God’s Word wherever the Son shines. Our team has a nine-month formation starting in September and culminating in a one-week mission trip to Central…

Elder Care Volunteer

Elder Care exists to serve the Blessed Trinity parish and surrounding community with quality, affordable adult day care services for seniors in a spiritual, nurturing…

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Council 5960 is a fraternal organization of Catholic men of all ages devoted to serving God, our parish, and our community through…
Ralph Salas, Grand Knight

Legion of Mary

The Legion’s aim is to bring Mary to the world as the infallible means of winning the world to Jesus.  Legionary service is based on…

Ministry to the Sick

"Do not hesitate to visit the sick, because for such things you will be loved." Sir. 7:35 The Church is designed by God to care…

Fair Trade Coffee Cart

The second weekend of every month we sell Fair Trade coffee, tea, cocoa, and olive oil after every Mass. Purpose: Selling Fair Trade products guarantees…

Prison Ministry

In the belief that every person is a child of God, unconditionally loved by God, Blessed Trinity's Prison Ministry seeks to bring that love and…

Religious Gift Shop

Blessed Trinity Religious Gift Shop chooses to promote Catholic doctrine and devotion in our parish and community. Purpose: We make available for sale a variety…

Rosary Makers

Our Lady’s Rosary Makers are an organization of men and women who promote devotion to Our Lady by prayerfully making rosaries to be donated to…

Summer Camp

Provides a fun, safe environment for families in need of childcare during the summer months through our Summer Camp ministry. Purpose: Provides a safe, enriching…

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