Our Stewardship Way of Life here at Blessed Trinity encourages each family to commit one hour a week to the adoration chapel. This incredible blessing to our parish is available to anyone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! Our ministry’s goal is to have 2 adorers for every hour so that there is a built-in backup; there are 88 hours that still need this second individual to come forward. Please review your schedule; is Jesus calling you to a particular hour? Trust Him that He will make a way for you to respond to His call!

The following hours are our most critical needs but you can ask for any hour that fits your schedule:

Sundays: 5:00pm – 6:00pm and Midnight – Mondays 1:00am

Thursdays: Midnight – Fridays 1:00am

Fridays: 1:00am – 2:00am

Saturdays: 1:00pm – 2:00pm

We are also in need of substitutes, especially between midnight and 5:00am.

To reserve your hour please call Carol Blackstock at 352-622-7348 or 352-425-8638. You can also email her at carolblackstock@gmail.com.