During the weekend of September 21/22 baby bottles will be available after each mass. All donations benefit Alpha Center for Women, an Ocala pregnancy resource center that offers life-affirming alternatives to abortion, material support during and after pregnancy, post-abortion recovery, and a mentoring program for parents in need.

From 2006 to present, the generous Blessed Trinity parishioners have contributed over $128,300! Last year we ministered to 162 new clients, providing pregnancy tests and meeting material needs through our Bridges program. Over 1,500 client visits took place and we assisted our moms and dads with nearly 22,500 closet items (diapers, wipes, clothing, food, furniture, as well as utility assistance, gas and grocery gift cards.) In addition your support has allowed us to continue our sponsorship of two Uganda students and the Uganda orphanage.

Thank you for your partnership with Alpha Center for Women. It is truly a ministry serving the poor in our community and helping them find a way to say “YES” to life!