The Trinity Triangle is Blessed Trinity’s quarterly newsletter that is mailed out to parishioners. The publication is laid out in Microsoft Publisher.
Purpose: The Triangle highlights activities, news, and events of concern to Blessed Trinity parishioners. The annual Uganda issue covers the mission trip and is sent far and wide to garner additional support for our sister parish in Nalweyo, Uganda.
Responsibilities: Stewardship participants can choose from a variety of jobs including proofreading articles, editing articles, writing articles, conducting interviews, or taking photographs for articles or the front page.
Helpful Attributes: For all jobs – commitment and willingness to finish the job are a requirement. For proofreading, editing, and writing – Knowledge of grammar, creative writing skills. For photographs – ability to take clear photos, Adobe Photoshop skills or similar software would be a plus. To participate in layout: experience working in Microsoft Publisher.
Time Commitment: Serious time commitment if wanting to participate in layouts. Proofreading, article editing, photography – 3-6 hours, quarterly. A lot will depend on how quickly you work.
Training Required: None, but please see Helpful Attributes section above.
Fingerprinting Required: None.