Parish Council At-Large Members are elected by the parish from a pool of interested parishioners on an annual basis.  At-Large members of council serve a 3-year term. 

Purpose: We strive to embody the Stewardship Way of Life, guiding and serving our Blessed Trinity community with its Pastor. 

Responsibilities: At-Large Members attend monthly meetings; actively participate, listen, give your opinion, ask questions.  You are at the meetings to assist the pastor and function as a representative of the parishioners who elected you.   

Helpful Attributes: Willingness to get involved; committed to meeting attendance; actively participating in Stewardship Way of Life. 

Time Commitment: At-Large members are expected to attend monthly meetings in the evenings from August – Jun.  Some meetings take place offsite, i.e. Brother’s Keeper, La Guadalupana, Angels in Arms.  Meetings last an average of 3 hours. There will be extra-curricular activities that require your attendance and active participation.   

Training Required: None 

Fingerprinting Requirements: None.