Religious Education 2024-2025
Blessed Trinity is committed to assisting families in the Faith Formation of their children offering both catechetical instruction and sacramental preparation for First Communion, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation.
Classes for children in grades K – 8 are held in both English and Spanish in the Blessed Trinity School classrooms on Sunday mornings.
La Guadalupana and Christ the King offer classes for children in grades K – 2 and grades 7 – 8 for Confirmation.
For more information, please call the Religious Education Office at 352-629-8092, ext. 3222 or email
EDGE: Youth Ministry

EDGE is Blessed Trinity’s middle school youth group. This group gathers twice a month to form and grow our 6-8th grade Christian Community. We touch on topics relevant to this age group in the world today, and enjoy a mixture of socializing, games, topic discussion and spiritual development to help build a strong foundation in the middle school years, when peer pressure and temptation sometimes make the right choice the hard choice. EDGE is open to ANY 6-8th grade student, regardless of which school, church (if any) the child attends. EDGE is not a replacement for religious education, but a tool to help build the values taught in church and to help develop the skills needed to identify the ways to use those values in real world situations.
For more information or registration, please email
Life Teen: Youth Ministry

Life Teen is an international Catholic organization dedicated to leading teens closer to Christ through the sacraments, prayer, and community. Here at Blessed Trinity, we’ve been doing just that, as a Life Teen parish for 20 years! These past decades have been filled with incredible Masses, retreats, mission trips, bible studies, XLTs, and more.
Our Mission: To lead teens closer to Christ.
Our Vision: To form and equip a joyful community of growing disciples who make disciples.
Family Life Teen Mass & Life Nights
Family Life Teen Mass is on Sunday nights at 5:00pm. The Mass is filled with amazing music and friends, as we come together to worship our Lord. The Mass is tailored for teens, but we have found that people of all ages really enjoy it, so bring your whole family! It is our prayer that the teens will be led deeper into the Mass and closer to Christ, at the weekly Family Life Teen Mass.
Following Mass, teens participate in a Life Night, at the King of Kings Ministry Building. This is a time to hang out with high school teens like yourself and to discuss the topics that apply to your life. We start with dinner and then we delve deeper into our Catholic Faith and how it applies to your life, wrapping up at 8:00pm.
Upcoming Events
In addition to Sunday Life Nights, there are always several activities, service projects, trips, fundraisers, and retreats on the calendar. If you would like to regularly receive emails regarding all Life Teen activities, or if you have any questions about Life Teen, please contact Ana Venegas in the office of Faith Formation at