Welcome to Blessed Trinity Catholic Church

What's Happening

Vacation Bible School is Coming!

June 10-14th from 8:30am - noon. Students from Kindergarten through 3rd grade, make plans to join us in the Kings of Kings building for this…

Greeters Wanted

We would love to restart our Greeter Ministry, but in order to do so we need to hear from at least 14 people who are…

Stitching Sisters meeting, 5/19

Do you like to crochet, knit, or embroider? Then come and be a part of the Stitching Sisters ministry! Our next meeting will on Sunday,…

Brother’s Keeper

Brother’s Keeper is the social service outreach ministry of Blessed Trinity Church. We have been assisting the needy and marginalized of our parish and of our community since the early 1970’s.

Teach us to give and not count the cost.

-St. Ignatius de Loyola